
Ferro-grad C® is indicated for medically diagnosed iron deficiency1,2

Indication: Ferro-grad C supplies iron to the body, which is present in a variety of enzymes, many of which are involved in the production of energy. Ferro-grad C is for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency. Ferro-grad C may help relieve fatigue associated with iron deficiency.

Ferro-grad C & Ferro-grad.3,4 Recommend therapy for 3-6 months to replenish iron stores.1

  • A first line treatment of iron deficiency.1
  • Contains 105 mg elemental iron.
  • Gradumet technology helps to reduce the risk of gastric side effects.5,6,7
  • Once daily dosing.
  • Ferro-grad C contains 500 mg vitamin C - iron absorption aid.8,9

Ferro-grad pack shot


  1. Digestive Health Foundation/GESA. Iron Deficiency. Clinical Update. Updated 2015. Available: www.gesa.org.au. Accessed: March 2022.
  2. Iron Deficiency. In: e TG complete [Internet]. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited; March 2017.
  3. Ferro-grad C Product Label. Viatris.
  4. Ferro-grad Product Label. Viatris.
  5. Webster JJ Current Therapeutic Research 4(4) Apr 1962; 130-134.
  6. Blair H & Blair C J. Coll Gen Pract 1967 Jan; 13(1): 117-121.
  7. Morrison J et al. Med J Aust 1988; 1: 482-484.
  8. Brise H & Hallberg L. Acta Med Scand 1962;171 (Suppl 376):51-8 (Funded by Viatris).
  9. Pasricha SS et al. Diagnosis and management of iron deficiency anaemia: a clinical update. Med J Aust 201 O; 193:525-532.

Patient Profile

1 in 5 Australian women under 50 years may have some form of iron deficiency1

In Australia, prevalence of iron deficiency in vegans and vegetarians can be as high as 30% in adult men & women2

Iron deficiency anaemia in Australia: 2,3

Alt = patient & doctor

Who is at risk of iron deficiency? 4,5

In addition to life stages associated with increased iron needs, any scenario that reduces ingestion or absorption of iron or increases in blood loss can lead to ID.1

Alt = patient & doctor


  1. Ahmed F. Iron status among Australian adults: findings of a population based study in Queensland, Australia. Asia PacJ Clin Nutr 2008;17(1):40-47
  2. Pawlak R et al. Iron status of vegetarian adults: a review of literature. Analytic Review. 2018
  3. Pasricha SS et al. Diagnosis and management of iron deficiency anaemia: a clinical update. Med J Aust 2010; 193:525-32.
  4. Digestive Health Foundation/GESA. Iron Deficiency. Clinical Update. Update 2015. Available: www.gesa.org.au. Accessed: Mar 2022.
  5. Camaschella C. Iron-deficiency anaemia. N Eng J Med 2015;372:1832-1943

Signs & Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of iron deficiency1,2

Alt = signs & symptoms of iron deficiency

Diagnosis: It starts with a blood test.


  1. Digestive Health Foundation/GESA. Iron Deficiency. Clinical Update. Update 2015. Available: www.gesa.org.au. Accessed: March 2022.
  2. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH). Iron deficiency anemia March 2014. Available at: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/irondeficiencyanemia. Accessed March 2022.

Treatment Options

A first-line treatment for patients with iron deficiency1,2

Oral ferrous sulfate is a first-line option in a therapeutic dose for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency over oral iron polymaltose.1,2

Ferrous (Fe2+) is a readily absorbable form of iron when ingested and does not require food to increase absorption, unlike oral iron polymaltose.1-4

Response to oral iron polymaltose (Maltofer) may be slower than with ferrous iron.5

Figure: Ferrous sulfate

Ferro-grad treatment options

Dietary Fe3+ (ferric) iron must be converted to absorbable Fe2+ (ferrous) iron first in the gastric pH to be able to transport across the brush border membrane of human enterocytes. Once inside the enterocyte, iron can be stored as ferritin, or released into the blood stream. DMT1: divalent metal (ion) transporter 1.6



  1. Digestive Health Foundation/GESA. Iron Deficiency. Clinical Update. Updated 2022. Available: www.gesa.org.au. Accessed: Mar 2024.
  2. Ferro-grad C Product Label. Viatris.
  3. Oral iron polymaltose. ARTG 229647. 2014.
  4. Oral iron polymaltose product information (Maltofer), 2021.
  5. National Blood Authority Australia. Guidance for Australian Health Providers: oral preparations for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in Australia. 2016.
  6. Gulec et al. Mechanistic and regulatory aspects of intestinal iron absorption. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2014 Aug 15;307(2):G397-G409.

Dosing & Administration

Ferro-grad dosing

Convenient once a day treatment

Iron dosing

Recommended iron preparations vs over-the-counter multivitamins
Over-the-counter multivitamins DO NOT contain enough iron to treat iron deficiency anaemia.

Ferro-grad dosing

Product Education

Ferro-grad C is a first-line treatment for iron deficiency1,2

Ferro-grad C contains modified release ferrous sulfate which provides 105 mg of elemental iron.

The Therapeutic Guidelines recommend 100-210 mg of elemental iron orally per day for the treatment of iron deficiency in adults.1

Ferro-grad technology

Target iron deficiency with Ferro-grad C’s modified technology

Ferro-grad technology


  1. Iron deficiency. In: eTG Complete (internet). Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited March 2017.
  2. Oral iron polymaltose product information (Maltofer), 2021.
  3. Brise H & Hallberg L. Acta Med Scand 1962;171 (Suppl 376):51-8 (Funded).
  4. Webster JJ Current Therapeutic Research 4( 4) Aor 1962 130-134 (Funded).
  5. Blair H & Blair CJ. Coll Gen Pract 1967 Jan; 13(1): 117-121 (Funded).
  6. Morrison J et al. Med J Aust 1977 1: 482-48

Expert Insights Dr. Renee Eslick

In this presentation Dr. Renee Eslick will speak about:

  • - Overview of Ferro-grad C and ingredients
  • - Ferro-grad C dosing
  • - Ferrous Sulfate and Vitamin C
  • - Iron absorption
  • - Controlled release formulation and gastrointestinal side effects

Ferro-grad Patient Resources

This Ferro-grad C patient leaflet will help your patients navigate their way back to restoring their iron levels and feeling healthy again. You’ll find lots of useful information and our top tips to beat iron deficiency.

Click here to download the patient booklet